21 September 2018

A Balanced and Productive Unschool Life

It’s good to read stories about unschoolers, isn’t it? What do they think? What do they do? What kind of people are they? Stories about real unschoolers bring unschooling alive. But there is something better than reading stories. And that’s listening to unschoolers themselves.

In this week’s podcast: A Balanced and Productive Unschool Life, I’m chatting with my teenage daughter, Sophie who has lots of her own stories, ideas and opinions to share.

We start with these conversation prompts:

  • Something we’ve been thinking about
  • Something we’ve found difficult
  • Something we’ve enjoyed
  • Something we’ve read or listened to
  • Something we’ve watched

And we end up talking about:

  • Why making rules could be dangerous
  • Balancing work, passions, and taking care of ourselves
  • How unschooling isn’t about drifting aimlessly through the day
  • An easy way to keep a journal
  • Intentionally seeking joy in our lives
  • Becoming happier and more positive people
  • How we can all make a difference in other people’s days
  • Resisting the temptation to check apps and waste time
  • Creativity
  • Growing and developing as people

I hope you enjoy our conversation!

Show Notes


episode 10: Should a Child Be Given the Freedom to Choose

The Accidental Creative

Blog post

Unschoolers Talk About Freedom to Choose


The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

Louder Than Words by Todd Henry

TV Series

Agents of SHIELD

Call the Midwife

My Youtube Channel

Sue Elvis

Sophie’s Blog

Tough Turtle

Photo: This is Sophie who is busy working in her cafe. I must have taken this photo on a Friday because I can see Polish donuts. Can you see them too? They are only available on Fridays outside of Lent and on Fat Thursdays (the Thursday before Ash Wednesday). Polish donuts are delicious!

READ  Why It's Important to Allow Kids to Follow Their Interests and Passions

Here’s this week’s podcast, episode 133: A Balanced and Productive Unschool Life:

And here’s a small taste of our conversation:

Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so we can spread the word about unschooling.

Please feel welcome to leave a comment about anything I talked about in this episode. Or just stop by and say hello. And if you have any questions or topics you’d like Sophie and me to talk about in future podcasts, please let us know!

Sue Elvis

I'm an Australian blogger, podcaster, and Youtuber. I write and speak about unschooling, parenting and family life. I'm also the author of the unschooling books 'Curious Unschoolers', 'Radical Unschool Love' and ‘The Unschool Challenge’. You'll find them on Amazon!


  1. Loved it! Your story about the curtains on the floor made me smile. ? I love that Unschooling shows us what life can be like. Ultimately people want to be productive and if they are not than there is something wrong. By sitting with someone instead of throwing rules at them we can help them move forward from that stuck place. Anyway, that was a thought I had listening to this most recent podcast. Sophie, I hope your ankle gets better. You certainly are a determined young woman! ? I’m busy a lot too. Trying to establish a new routine right now and get some reading in too. Like both of you, I’ve got my kindle charged! Thanks for another inspiring podcast Sue!

    • Venisa,

      After making this podcast and confessing I hadn’t hung my curtains back up, I decided I’d better do something about them. Now we have curtains at both the family room windows. Unfortunately, they are still too long. I haven’t yet found the curtain tape. Maybe I will have to buy some more!

      I imagine you’ve had a lot of changes in your routine since the beginning of the college semester. I hope things settle down for you soon.

      Thanks for listening to my podcast. Enjoy the weekend!

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