Radical Unschooling

Challenging Ourselves to Put Away Our Phones

Challenging Ourselves to Put Away Our Phones
Did you hear the story of the photographer who visited the Grand Canyon and took millions of photos of the awe-inspiring sights, and then later realised that he hadn't seen a thing despite having his eye glued to his viewfinder the whole time? He retraced ...

When Children Move Out of an Unschool Home

When Children Move Out of an Unschool Home
Do you ever have mixed emotions about big events in your family’s life? A few days ago, my feelings were all over the place. “Today’s an exciting day,” I told two of my daughters on Thursday morning. “I bet you can’t wait to pick up ...

How to Respond to ‘Unlovable’ Kids and Cats

How to Respond to ‘Unlovable’ Kids and Cats
Poppy died, and I cried despite not liking the cat. Poppy was a grumpy animal. She was messy and unkempt, preferring not to groom herself. An unpleasant odour followed her wherever she went. We bathed the cat, clipped her long fur, and sprinkled deodoriser all ...

Parenting: Doing Our Inadequate Best

Parenting: Doing Our Inadequate Best
Do you ever look back - a few years, months or even days - at your younger self and wish you could have done better? Perhaps you remember dragon parent days when you failed to be gentle. Could you have said things you now regret? ...

Unschooling: Doing What Is Right

Unschooling: Doing What Is <b>Right</b>
Unschooling is the right thing to do. That’s a bold claim that you might challenge if your ideas about what’s right are different from mine. What if my right is your wrong? Is that the end of the conversation? Or could we agree that we ...

Tough or Unconditional Love? Parent or Friend?

Tough or <em>Unconditional Love</em>? Parent or Friend?
Should we be firm with our kids, demanding they obey us, even if this causes conflict and unhappiness? Perhaps it’s our duty to remember who’s the parent and who’s the child and not be tempted to act as friends to our children. Is the tough ...

Preventing Childhood Trauma with Unconditional Love

Preventing Childhood Trauma with <b>Unconditional Love</b>
Childhood trauma can follow us into adulthood, affecting what we do, how we feel about ourselves and how we relate to others. We can trace many of our adult problems back to something that happened as we were growing up. If we understand this, we’ll ...

Could Unschooling Be Exactly What Teens Need to Do?

Could Unschooling Be <em>Exactly</em> What Teens Need to Do?
When unschooling children reach the teenage years, is it time for them to stop following their interests and do some serious structured work instead? If they continue to unschool, will they fail to gain enough knowledge to get into university? Do they need to learn ...

Unschoolers, Chores and Rosters

Unschoolers, <strong>Chores</strong> and Rosters
How do parents encourage kids to help with the chores? Is the example of parents important? Do parents have to be willing to do everything they want their kids to do? Do they need to have a generous and loving attitude? And what about chore ...

Unschool: Favourite Kids

Unschool: Favourite Kids
I write a message beginning with the words, “Hey, my favourite second son!” And Callum replies, “Hey, my favourite mother!” It’s our joke. A bit of fun. But it’s also true: Callum is my favourite. But I have lots of favourite children. As well as ...

Unschool: Clothes, Connections and Reflections of Love

Unschool: Clothes, Connections and Reflections of Love
She twirls, spinning, her new dress lifting. She’s grinning, and I instantly forget the pain: I dislike sewing. Years later, all grown up, with eyes glowing, she recalls that dress and everything I sewed or chose for her. And I know that clothes are not ...

Questioning the Wisdom of Unconditional Love

Questioning the Wisdom of Unconditional Love
Do you ever have doubts about your parenting? Do you ever wonder if your ideas are wrong? The other day, I wrote something about unconditional love, and later, rereading my words, I began to doubt what I'd said. While sharing my thoughts in blog posts ...

Unschooling Strong

Unschooling <b>Strong</b>
Yesterday we did lots of complaining because it felt like a very hot day. We were glad when evening arrived, and the sun went down. Hoping for a cool breeze, we ate ice cream and swapped hot stories. Here’s mine: I reminded my family of ...

My New Book: The Unschool Challenge

My <em>New Book</em>: <strong>The Unschool Challenge</strong>
I have some big news: I’ve finished and published my third unschooling book, The Unschool Challenge, and it’s now available on Amazon! My author copies of my new book arrived the day before my daughter, Charlotte, and I set off for the coast for a ...

Why We Should Praise Our Kids

Why We Should Praise Our Kids
Praise is a tricky topic, isn’t it? Do we praise our kids or not? Many unschoolers and parenting experts warn us to stay well away from praise. We shouldn’t manipulate our kids with our words, should we? And will our kids think they’re better than ...

Parenting Without Fear

Parenting <em>Without</em> Fear
Last Monday, as I walked into the supermarket ahead of my daughter Charlotte, she stopped and said, “Wait!” She waved a hand towards the flower display next to the shop entrance. “I’d like to buy you some flowers. Which ones would you like?” A smile ...

How Will You Know if Unschooling Works?

How Will You Know if Unschooling Works?
How will you know if unschooling works? Will you know it works if your children get into good universities, earn degrees, and then get high status jobs, ones that are well paying, safe and secure? Will you grin with delight and say to those who ...

Is It Ever Too Late to Start Unschooling?

Is It Ever Too Late to Start Unschooling?
Is it ever too late to start unschooling? I’ve been asked this question a lot and my answer is always “No!” Even if a child is a teenager or older, there’s still plenty of time because unschooling isn’t a method of homeschooling that ends at ...

What Kind of Home Do Kids Need?

What Kind of Home Do Kids Need?
The other day, while walking our dogs through the bush close to home, I met a neighbour who warned me to watch out for snakes. He’d almost stepped on one and had sighted others that had slithered away. Years ago, one of my kids yelled, ...

Heavy Metal Music and Keeping Kids Safe

Heavy Metal Music and Keeping Kids Safe
Every birthday, Andy buys Gemma-Rose a heavy metal t-shirt. Our daughter knows nothing about this kind of music except it was a big part of her dad’s life when he was her age. And that makes it special to her. When Andy and I were ...

How Do Kids Learn to Be Generous?

How Do Kids Learn to Be Generous?
On Monday, my daughter Imogen and I were the filling in a truck sandwich as we drove from our quiet village, along the busy motorway, through the heavy rain, to the city shops. I wanted to buy some white sneakers, and Imogen suggested we visit ...

This Time Next Year: Where Will You Be?

This Time Next Year: Where Will You Be?
Do you ever play the game, ‘this time last year…’? What about ‘this time next year…’? How does it feel looking back? What do you hope for the future? Several days ago, my very thoughtful phone made me a video using some of the many ...

Sharing the Ice Cream and Rejecting Tough Love

Sharing the Ice Cream and Rejecting Tough Love
There’s a woman on YouTube who sips wine from a large glass while digging into a family-sized bucket of ice cream. She has some advice for parents. Her message goes something like this: Parents take back the reins. Forget all this being friends stuff. Show ...

A Message We Can All Share Even if Our Unschooling Lives Aren’t Picture-Perfect

A Message We Can All Share Even if Our Unschooling Lives Aren’t Picture-Perfect
When we’re posting photos or writing stories or talking about unschooling directly with our family and friends, do we ever stop and wonder if it’s necessary to have perfect kids when we’re sharing this way of life? Lots of people want to promote or defend ...

Do Beautiful Photos Fail to Tell the Whole Unschooling Story?

Do Beautiful Photos Fail to Tell the Whole Unschooling Story?
Can photos reflect the beauty of an unschooling life? We could post loads of pictures of smiling kids involved with impressive activities or running wild and free, surrounded by the spectacular beauty of nature. How about sharing photos of the stunning places where we live? ...

Unschooling Poster Kids

Unschooling Poster Kids
All seven of my unschooled kids went to university when they were 14 and got their degrees before they reached adulthood. No they didn’t. That’s wrong. I lie! But wouldn’t it be impressive if they had all done that? I could have written a book ...

When We Can’t Decide What’s the Best Way to Bring Up and Educate Our Kids

When We Can’t Decide What’s the Best Way to Bring Up and Educate Our Kids
Do you ever swap between the various methods of homeschooling looking for the perfect way to bring up and educate your kids? I used to do that. I’d try one thing after another, confusing myself and my kids, while never finding what I was searching ...

Radical Unschool Love, Praise and Joy

Radical Unschool Love, Praise and Joy
Do you ever praise your kids? Do you tell them you’re proud of them? Some people say we shouldn't praise our kids. Maybe that's because our children might end up doing things only because they want to gain our approval. And is there a risk ...

What’s the Best Place to Bring Up Kids?

What’s the Best Place to Bring Up Kids?
Do you ever wonder where you should live? Are you providing the best environment for your kids? Is it rich and full of opportunities for learning? While Imogen and I were on holiday together, we wandered around Kiama where we were staying, taking photos and ...

Could a Lack of Freedom Damage Our Kids’ Mental Health?

Could a Lack of Freedom Damage Our Kids’ Mental Health?
On the first morning of my recent holiday with my daughter Imogen, I got up early, grabbed my camera and headed to the beach. I sat alone on the sand, waiting for the sun to rise and thought about freedom. The last couple of years ...

Parents Or Friends? Or Can We Be Both?

Parents Or Friends? Or Can We Be Both?
A few weeks ago, my gorgeous adult daughter, Imogen, said, “Mum, we need a break. How about we go to the beach together for a few days?” Oh my, that was a fabulous suggestion. We’ve both had a hard time this last year or so ...

Younger Unschoolers: What About Technology and Screen Time?

Younger Unschoolers: What About Technology and Screen Time?
I’m republishing a post I wrote about 18 months ago! When I announced that I was going to write about younger unschoolers, a friend said, “I'd love to read about little kids and technology!” Could I share how we approached screen time during our children’s ...

Speaking at the 2021 Catholic Homeschool Conference

Speaking at the 2021 Catholic Homeschool Conference
Over sixty Catholic mentors and ministries will be presenting talks at the 2021 Catholic Homeschool Conference. And then there’s me. Yes, I’m a speaker too! A few weeks ago, I accepted an invitation to speak about unschooling at this online event which runs from May ...

Will Our Kids Include Us in Their Lives Once They’ve Left Home?

Will Our Kids Include Us in Their Lives Once They’ve Left Home?
Or Why Some People Think I’m a Controlling Parent (When I’m Not) When our children are young, we're the most important people in their lives. Their world revolves around us. They depend on us for all their needs. Maybe we sometimes take our relationships with ...

How to Prepare Our Kids for the Day When They Leave Home

How to Prepare Our Kids for the Day When They Leave Home
On the day that my 19-year-old daughter Sophie left home, I said goodbye and added the words, "See you soon!" I didn't cry. A week later, my husband Andy and I saw Sophie again when we travelled to her new home town for a visit ...

Are We Becoming the People We Want Our Kids to Be?

Are We Becoming the People We Want Our Kids to Be?
Last weekend, my son Callum came home for a visit, and on Saturday morning, we had a breakfast picnic together at our local lake. After we’d eaten, we took Callum’s dog for a walk around the lake. It wasn’t a quick walk. Every few metres, ...

Christian Unschooling: Should Parents Demand Obedience from Their Children?

Christian Unschooling: Should Parents Demand Obedience from Their Children?
Not so long ago, I was reading a spiritual book that mentioned monks and their life of poverty, chastity and obedience. And this got me thinking about obedience. Monks are obedient to their superiors and the rule of their order. They are imitating Jesus who ...

Stories About Connection from Radical Unschool Love

Stories About Connection from Radical Unschool Love
In this week’s podcast, I’m sharing a few stories that can be found in my book, Radical Unschool Love: A Teenager’s Thoughts Learning Right from Wrong Developing a Sense of Right and Wrong Can We Be Both Parent and Friend? One-on-One Times In episode 165, ...

Christian Unschooling: Disciplining With Unconditional Love

Christian Unschooling: Disciplining With Unconditional Love
If our children misbehave, what do we do? Make them sit on the time-out chair? Punish them? Perhaps we should withdraw our love. Be cold and distant. Make things unpleasant for our kids because they need to know how upset we are, don't they? We ...

Opening Myself Up to Criticism

Opening Myself Up to Criticism
It's inevitable: someone is going to criticise my unschooling books. No one has yet, but someone will. How do I know this? Well, even though we would like to think everyone agrees with our ideas and likes our work, that's just not true. It's impossible ...

A Big Chat About Unschooling Teenagers

A Big Chat About Unschooling Teenagers
Some time ago, I asked: Is anyone interested in discussing the teenage unschooling years? I’m thinking of recording a podcast on this topic with my daughters Imogen and Sophie. . My girls both have a day off work tomorrow so we could sit around my ...

Guiding Our Kids by Radically Unschooling

Guiding Our Kids by Radically Unschooling
Is radical unschooling all about stepping back and letting our children make their own choices without any influence from us? They might make choices we feel happy about. Or they could choose to do things we feel are detrimental to their health and happiness. Perhaps ...

Unschooling Teenagers: What They Think and What They Do

Unschooling Teenagers: What They Think and What They Do
Have you ever wondered what unschooling teenagers are like? What kind of people are they? What do they think? What do they do? Have you ever googled the words 'unschooling teenager' to find out more? If you have done a search using those words, you might ...

Sitting Quietly: Unschool Bits and Pieces

Sitting Quietly: Unschool Bits and Pieces
Kids Sitting Quietly in Church The other day, I was asked: How do you get young, unschooled children to sit quietly, without disturbing anyone, in church? This was my reply: When my kids were very small I didn't expect them to sit quietly in church ...

Junk Food and Poor Hygiene: Is Radical Unschooling Wrong?

Junk Food and Poor Hygiene: Is Radical Unschooling Wrong?
Have you heard the stories? The ones about the radically unschooled kids who refuse to eat healthy food and never brush their teeth? Perhaps these stories make you wonder if there's actually something wrong with radical unschooling. How can parents stand by and watch their ...

When Unschooling Doesn’t Seem to be Working

When Unschooling Doesn't Seem to be Working
We decide to unschool. Everything goes really well. Our kids are learning. Our family bonds are strengthening. Life is full of joy. Then one day, things change. Something happens. Maybe a child makes a mistake. She could choose to go her own way. Do something ...

Unschooling is Just as Much About the Parent as the Child

Unschooling is Just as Much About the Parent as the Child
We can't make anyone become the person we'd like them to be. We can't say, "If you only did this or that... you'd be a better spouse (or partner)." We can't change people. But we can change ourselves. We can try and become the person ...

Parents, Teenagers and Opinions

Parents, Teenagers and Opinions
Why do some parents want to impose their opinions on their children? Do they do this because they care? Perhaps they want their teenagers to benefit from their experience. Prevent them from going down wrong pathways and making mistakes, ones they might have made when they ...

Healthy Eating and Unschooling Kids

Healthy Eating and Unschooling Kids
Five years ago, I was pondering healthy eating. Was I eating a good enough diet? I'd read a lot of blog posts about giving up sugar. It seemed to be a hot topic. At first, I closed my mind to the idea of not eating ...
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