28 March 2017

An Evernote Workshop: (2) The Basic Options

Are you ready to create a family, homeschool and personal journal? I am!  I feel excited by this workshop. I hope you’re feeling excited too! I’m sure we’re going to have lots of fun while we explore all the Evernote options as we put together some notebooks.

Let’s begin!

Download Evernote

If you haven’t already downloaded Evernote to your computer, you’ll need to do this first. You can play around with Evernote for free. If you like it, you could consider signing up for a paid plan. (The monthly upload allowance for the free option isn’t very big.)

The Three Panels

I’m using the desktop version of Evernote for this workshop. Here’s what it looks like on my computer screen:

As you can see, there are three main panels: the left panel, the note list and the note panel. All these panels can be customised.

The left panel theme

The left panel can be dark or light.

To change the theme colour go to TOOLS to access OPTIONS. Click on GENERAL. Change left panel theme.

Removing a panel

Did you know you can remove the left panel altogether and have a drop-down menu for your notebooks and tags instead?

The note list can also be removed.

And so can the note panel. (But why would we not want to see our notes?)

To remove any of the panels, go to VIEW. Select the panels you’d like to be visible. Unselect any you’d like to hide.

If you remove the left panel, your screen will look like this:

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The note list options

The note list contains a snippet of all the notes within a notebook. There are a few viewing options: snippet, thumbnail, card, side list and top list. Click on the note list icon to make your choice. The width of the note list can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the boundaries.


Customising the note panel

We can change the default font and font size of our notes by clicking on TOOLS and then OPTIONS followed by NOTE.

Use the drop-down menu at the top of the note panel to change the font and font size for individual notes.

That’s all the viewing basics.

So what panels do you want to display? What theme will you choose, dark or light? How will you view your note list? And what is your favourite font? If you’d like to share a screenshot of your set-up on my Facebook page, please do!?

I think I’ll use the set-up that’s pictured in the last screenshot: dark left panel with a snippet note list. (I can always change it later!)

And if you prefer watching rather than reading, you can view my Evernote Workshop screencast tutorial video for this post. There’s some extra information in the video!

If you didn’t see my previous Evernote Workshop post, it’s called (1): Creating Family, Personal, and Homeschool Journals.

Next time we’ll look at our notebook and tag options!

And if you have any questions, please ask!

Sue Elvis

I'm an Australian blogger, podcaster, and Youtuber. I write and speak about unschooling, parenting and family life. I'm also the author of the unschooling books 'Curious Unschoolers', 'Radical Unschool Love' and ‘The Unschool Challenge’. You'll find them on Amazon!

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